
All of us, dear friends, can help in solving missing people’s cases.

One of the easiest ways to do that, is to make a donation to the account of Foundation Missing.

By donating to the account of Foundation Missing EE441010220248190225, /explanation: donation for the search fund/. The search fund of Foundation Missing helps people close to the missing person to involve private investigators with the case, for them to get psychologigal and judicial help, and to arrange a campaign to inform about the missing person.

By donating to the account of Foundation Missing EE661010220095092013, /explanation: donation award or donation equipment/. When writing in the explanation /donation award/ you help increase the 10 000 euro award fund set up for the information that leads to solving the older missing people cases. When writing in the explanation /donation equipment/ you help OPEROG Operational Search Team of Foundation Missing to improve the equipment needed in search missions. You can see a list of the equipment at the following site: